
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “ Honoré S. Bankole” ,找到相关结果约388178条。
Purification of Moringa oleifera Leaves Protease by Three-Phase Partitioning and Investigation of Its Potential Antibacterial Activity  [PDF]
Adam Abdoulaye, Agossou D. P. Noumavo, Durand Dah-Nouvlessounon, Messan A. B. Ohin, Hasan Bayraktar, Farid T. Bade, Honoré S. Bankole, Lamine Baba-Moussa, Farid Baba-Moussa
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2023.141005
Abstract: One of plant-based products for dental care is plant-based proteolytic enzymes which are principally proteases. In order not to damage the protein and bioactive content, an efficient method should be employed for their purifications. As such, three-phase partitioning (TPP) was used to purify protease from moringa (Moringa oleifera). TPP is an emerging, promising, non-chromatographic and economical technology which is simple, quick, efficient and often one-step process for the separation and purification of bioactive molecules from natural sources. It involves the addition of salt (ammonium sulphate) to the crude extract followed by the addition of an organic solvent (butanol). The protein appears as an interfacial precipitate between upper organic solvent and lower aqueous phases. The various conditions such as ammonium sulphate, ratio of crude extract to t-butanol and pH which are required for attaining efficient purification of the protease fractions were optimized. Under optimized conditions, it was seen that, 35% of ammonium sulphate saturation with 1:0.75 ratio of crude extract to t-butanol at pH 7 gave 4.94-fold purification with 96.20% activity yield of protease in the middle phase of the TPP system. The purified enzyme from Moringa oleifera has no antimicrobial effect on the pathogenic bacteria tested. However, this purified enzyme, can be considered as a promising agent, cheap, and safe source which is suitable for using in various industries.
Situation of Water, Hygiene and Sanitation in a Peri-Urban Area in Benin, West Africa: The Case of Sèmè-Podji  [PDF]
Roch Christian Johnson, Hadehou Segla, Tamègnon Victorien Dougnon, Gratien Boni, Honoré Sourou Bankole, Christophe Houssou, Michel Boko
Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2014.512121
Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the environmental factors related to health vulnerability in the municipality of Sèmè-Podji. For this study, 216 households were surveyed using questionnaires. Twelve key informants were enrolled for depth interviews and 18 water samples were collected from different sources used by the populations. It came out of our investigations that water from traditional sources used at Sèmè-Podji was contaminated by various microorganisms such as Escherichia coli and fecal coliforms. 66.38% of households reject domestic waste and 47.41% of them evacuate sewage in the yard. In addition, 93.05% drop stagnant water for natural infiltration. This municipality faces lack of sanitation. The main health problems experienced by people were malaria (46.35%), diarrheal diseases (15.88%). The study stated some results which could improve the help about health management in the area.
Case-by-Case Surveillance for Bacterial Meningitis in Benin: Data Analysis, 2016 to 2018  [PDF]
Togbemabou Primous Godjedo, Moussiliou No?l Paraiso, Alidehou Jerrold Agbankpe, Tamegnon Victorien Dougnon, Cyriaque Degbey, Angele Ahoyo, Lamine Baba-Moussa, Honoré Bankole
Open Journal of Epidemiology (OJEpi) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ojepi.2020.101001
Abstract: Background: Bacterial meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges caused mainly by three bacterial species Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae that are transmitted by nasopharyngeal secretions emitted by carriers. Meningitis is a public health problem in Benin, like all countries in the African meningitis belt. This study aims to analyze the epidemiological surveillance data of meningitis in Benin from 2016 to 2018. Methods: Each suspect case of meningitis was recorded and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) samples were collected. CSF collection was accompanied by the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response form. This sheet provides information on the patient’s social-demographic and epidemiological data. CSF specimens were sent to the laboratory for analysis and identification (Gram stain, biochemical parameters, and latex agglutination test) of pathogens according to the WHO standards. Results: Of the 2992 patients with suspected meningitis, 2893 were hospitalized with a death rate of 9.4% (281/2992). The sex ratio of registered patients was 1.29 in favor of men. The median age was 4 years (min: 0; max: 90). Patients younger than five years were the most represented (44.8%). During the study period, there was a decrease in the incidence of meningitis per 100,000 inhabitants (6.3 to 3.2 from 2016 to 2018). Of 2928 CSF samples collected we were able to identify 899 pathogenic bacterial species. The most represented species are S. pneumoniae (63.4%), N. meningitidis (24.4%) and H. influenzae (12.2%). Conclusion: The burden of disease is disproportionate in the northern departments as in others. The frequency of bacterial meningitis in the northern region increased during the study period. However, deaths have been recorded in the departments of the South (“Atlantic”, “Plateau”). This suggests an improvement in epidemiological surveillance and case management throughout the national territory.
A Literature Review—Khaya senegalensis, Anacardium ouest L., Cassia sieberiana DC., Pterocarpus erinaceus, Diospyros mespiliformis, Ocimum gratissimum, Manihot esculenta, Vernonia amygdalina Delile, Pseudocedrela kotschyi and Daniellia oliveri Possess Properties for Managing Infectious Diarrhea  [PDF]
Victorien Dougnon, Edna Hounsa, Hornel Koudokpon, Brice Boris Legba, Kafayath Fabiyi, Kevin Sintondji, Anny Afaton, Merveille Akouta, Jean Robert Klotoe, Honoré Bankole, Lamine Baba-Moussa, Jacques Dougnon
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (ABB) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/abb.2020.1110031
Abstract: The rise in antimicrobial resistance increases researchers’ interest in medicinal plants used for traditional treatment of infectious diseases. The study is based on ten (10) medicinal plants mostly cited in the treatment of diarrhea in West Africa: Khaya senegalensis, Anacardium ouest L., Cassia sieberiana DC., Pterocarpus erinaceus, Diospyros mespiliformis, Ocimum gratissimum, Manihot esculenta, Vernonia amygdalina Delile, Pseudocedrela kotschyi, Daniellia oliveri. The objective is to make a review on ethnopharmacological, pharmacological, toxicological and chemical data that enhance these medicinal plants in the fight against diarrheal infections. Specific keywords were used for bibliographic research in Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and other databases. Generalities relating to diarrheal infections and scientific data on the ten selected plants in the fight against diarrheal infections were sought. From the results, it emerges that each of the ten plants has been listed as useful in the traditional treatment of diarrheal infections. Antibacterial tests showed their effectiveness on
Bacteriological Study of the Fishmeal used in Feed for Imported Chicken in Atlantic Department
Dougnon Jacques Tossou,Edorh Aléodjrodo Patrick,Bankole Honoré Sourou,Sezonlin Michel
International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances , 2012,
Abstract: Bacteria are microorganisms involved in the digestion of foods by many animals. At the same time, some of them are pathogens causing serious diseases to the survival of animals that harbor them. It is therefore essential to identify the different species of bacteria in feed served to farm animals. The present study aims at identifying the bacteria in the fishmeal used for feeding imported chickens in Atlantic Department. Out of sixtyone (61) samples collected, twenty six (26) came from provender sites, sixteen (16) from wholesaling importers and nineteen (19) from imported chicken breeds. A total of twelve types of bacteria were identified: Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Serratia spp, Actinomyces piogenes, Erysipelothrix spp, Citrobacter spp, Escherichia coli, Lysteria spp, Levinea spp, Salmonella spp, Bacillus spp, Providencia spp. Ten out of them, namely Staphylococcus spp, Klebsiella spp, Serratia spp, Actinomyces piogenes; Erysipelothrix spp, Escherichia coli, Levinea spp, Bacillus spp, Lysteria spp, Providencia spp were isolated from provender and five (5) bacteria: Staphylococcus spp, Klebsiella spp, Actinomyces piogenes; Lysteria spp; Levinea spp were found in fishmeal from wholesalers. Regarding the poultry farms, seven (7) bacteria out of twelve, Staphylococcus spp, Actinomyces piogenes, Citrobacter spp, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp, Levinea spp and Providencia spp were isolated from fishmeal. As for the two varieties of fishmeal used, it is clear that Klebsiella spp was more present in the Extra variety at a rate of 27.27%. On the other hand, the Valcru variety was contaminated with Staphylococcus spp at a rate of 18.18%. Therefore, it is essential to take into consideration hygienic measures.
The Effects of European Union s Trade Barriers on Africa s Exports
Abiodun S. Bankole,Kareem Olayinka Idowu
Journal of Economics Theory , 2012, DOI: 10.3923/jeth.2010.79.83
Abstract: Africa s growth sustainability depends in part on the extent to which it can exploit opportunities that are bound in trade. Many of Africa s major exports are confronted with trade barriers in the markets of their trade partners. These barriers make it difficult for the continent to take advantage of the opportunity that abounds in trade. It is to this end that this study evaluates the effects of trade barriers in the European Union (EU) on African exports. The researchers found that tariffs are the major trade barriers to Africa s exports in the EU market, however the non-tariff barriers significantly affect Africa s exports to this market.
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: issues and options for the Nigeria’s tourism industry
Bankole, Abiodun S.,Odularu, Gbadebo O.
PASOS : Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural , 2006,
Abstract: Opiniones y ensayos
Assessing Morphological Traits Variation and Fruit Production of Lophira lanceolata (Ochnaceae) in Benin  [PDF]
Aliou Dicko, Armand Kuyéma Natta, Honoré Samadori S. Biaou, Arcadius Akossou
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2019.106076
Abstract: Lophira lanceolata is an oleaginous tree species whose fruit is used for vegetable oil production in Benin. The present study highlighted the fruit production and characterization of the morphological traits of the fruits and seeds of this species. A total of 196 mature trees in production were randomly sampled in Borgou-Nord, Borgou-Sud and Atacora Chain phytodistricts. Descriptors were characterized globally at the level of phytodistricts surveyed. Pearson correlation test stands out the relationships between the different descriptors. The effect of phytodistricts on fruit production was analyzed using a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) and the variation of morphological traits between phytodistricts was examined through Kruskal-Wallis test. Finally, SMA regression was used to test the influence of the phytodistrict on the relationship between L. lanceolata seed and fruit weight. This study revealed that there is a positive and significant correlation between the morphological traits of fruits and those of seeds. Trees descriptors (e.g. total height, diameter at breast height, and leaf petiole length) predict fruit production of L. lanceolata, but are not significantly correlated with fruit and seed traits. In the Atacora Chain phytodistrict, breeding trees are entering production with small diameter, low height and produce little number of fruits per tree with higher weight, unlike the Borgou-Nord and Borgou-Sud phytodistricts. These results can be useful in the selection of early breeding tree in Atacora Chain phytodistrict and high-yielding trees from individuals in the Borgou-Nord and Borgou-Sud phytodistricts.
Graphics Communication an Appraisal of an Art of Learning in Contemporary Nigerian Education  [PDF]
Emmanuel Bankole Oladumiyte
Art and Design Review (ADR) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/adr.2014.23005
Abstract: The concept of communication graphics is characterized by the technology that is infused with inormation and communication technology which cover any product that stores, retrieves, mani- pulates, transmits or receive information that helps in disseminating knowledge through graphic device visuals. That generates interest which is the key note to instruction, motivation, stimulation and ultimate finding relevance through the provision of changing experiences in knowledge disseminating. It is a genetic term that incorporates many professional fields of wide spectrum which ranges from product designs that communicate with various forms of electronic gadgets and tools from the information and communication technology sector such as project computer, television channels and other emerging media that allows organization to share information in learning process. The study highlights the historical background of graphic communication and the appraisal of graphic design communication in contemporary Nigeria. It discusses the role that communication plays in Nigerian contemporary education. It goes further to discuss the issues in graphic communication as regards to art of learning and finally concludes with the efficacy of graphic communication in contemporary Nigerian education.
Graphic Design Theory Research and Application in Packaging Technology  [PDF]
E. Bankole Oladumiye
Art and Design Review (ADR) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/adr.2018.61003
Abstract: Graphic design theory research examines how designers can read about and read into designs in order to stimulate growth and change in their own work. It inspires new lines of thoughts and questioning, and opens up new theoretical directions. This study sought to establish the significance and application of graphic design theories in product packaging technology, as packages have minimal time to achieve the goals for which they were created. It therefore generally examined graphic design theories used in day-to-day activities of graphic designers. Adopting a descriptive approach, a sample size of 450 respondents was taken in the Federal University of Technology Akure, with valid responses of 450. Following one hypothesis testing, the study showed a significant relationship between usage and application of graphic design theories and the creation of attractive graphic package designs. The study revealed that creative graphic designers often apply graphic design theories in creating package designs, and that package designs are more appealing or attractive with the application of graphic design theories. It established that graphic design theories guide effective consumer product package designers, both in growth and in practice.

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